SKU: 04-9195
Price: $29.50
BRAKE BAND 4" W/RETAINER Average rating: | Read all reviews
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4" Live Axle Brake Bands with Square Retainer Arms. 1" wide Manco Brake Band. Fits 4-3/16" O.D. Drums. Used on Live Axle Drum Part #207505A. Replaces Manco 1492. 1" wide bands. Loop diameter .375 / .125 slot. Go Kart Brakes.
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Featured positive reviews:
Exceptional Brake Band
To anyone in need of purchasing a replacement Brake Band (with retainer tabs) for a Go KART -- this is DEFINITELY the BEST Brake Band to purchase. This Brake Band AND Go Kart Supply DOT COM is a WINNING COMBINATION. I needed to acquire a replacement Brake Band for OUR 30+ year old Manco 2-seater Go Kart. I called Go Kart Supply and the lady I spoke with promptly assured me that this band will FIT our Go Kart - - soon to be used our GRAND children. Once received, I installed it (no issues -- the fitment was PERFECT) and took our Go Kart for a test drive. The "Stopping Power" is awesome - - just what I was seeking! I can't remember our Go Kart stopping this well - - very impressive. BOTTOM LINE - - I highly recommend acquiring this Brake Band from Go Kart Supply DOT COM -- "you" will MOST DEFINITELY be very pleased and impressed! DH (Akron, OH)

To anyone in need of purchasing a replacement Brake Band (with retainer tabs) for a Go KART -- this is DEFINITELY the BEST Brake Band to purchase. This Brake Band AND Go Kart Supply DOT COM is a WINNING COMBINATION. I needed to acquire a replacement Brake Band for OUR 30+ year old Manco 2-seater Go Kart. I called Go Kart Supply and the lady I spoke with promptly assured me that this band will FIT our Go Kart - - soon to be used our GRAND children. Once received, I installed it (no issues -- the fitment was PERFECT) and took our Go Kart for a test drive. The "Stopping Power" is awesome - - just what I was seeking! I can't remember our Go Kart stopping this well - - very impressive. BOTTOM LINE - - I highly recommend acquiring this Brake Band from Go Kart Supply DOT COM -- "you" will MOST DEFINITELY be very pleased and impressed! DH (Akron, OH)